Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A New Blog Has Been Born

Purpose and Philosophical Perspective

There are thousands and thousands of blogs out there, and to many this is "just another blog". Many more will never know this blog exists. But it is the same when a new person is born, and that does not diminish the value of a new life in the least! This newborn blog may die alone and unappreciated, or live to a ripe and sagacious old age, but one thing is certain: it will be unique.

The purpose of this blog is to archive my knowledge of iPone apps and other programming adventures that I may have in the future. I would be honored if other iPhone developers would share their experiences, offer suggestions, and perhaps even praise on the topics that I write. Hopefully I'll be able to add articles on iPad and Android apps to this blog as well, but time measures the length of all endeavors in this life, and so I must submit to her.

Happy Reading!


  1. You totally started this so you could remember all the good ideas you have, didn't you :P

    Good luck, and I will occasionally pop by for a look.

